Nikofarm is one of the few farms in Greece that applies the “long life” fish breeding process. That means that our fish, although they reach the marketable size of 450gr in 14-18 months, we have decided to keep the fish in the cages six more months following a low fat diet. This strategy, which is high in cost for the company, results to have much more healthy, low fat, tasty fish, with longer lifespan as a product.

Our financial and administrative independence, always enables Nikofarm to freely select raw material of the highest quality, without compromise or concession. We select fry and fish food, very carefully and always demand the appropriate quality certifications, as imposed by legislation of European Union.

The evolution and development of Nikofarm has been continuous over the years, at all levels,
starting from our infrastructure and facilities, up to our breeding species, their packaging and supply methods, as well as the import and trade of new species, proving our dedication and love for fish farming, and constantly improving the level of service to our customers.

Nikofarm’s priority is its people, supporting the local community
in any way we can, starting with employing 100% local workers. We recognize that our people have contributed mainly in our success, supporting them as well in practice. Accordingly, our contribution to our place, the municipality of Istiea – Loutra Edipsou is continuous but always discreet, following the low profile of Nikolaou family

We always do what we say and we never say what we can’t do!
Honesty with our clients, our suppliers and our employees is our biggest achievement throughout the last 35 years of Nikofarm’s life, as well as our main guidance for the future.